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Maria C

Talking about your family should be one of the easiest things to do in English.
These people are your family, so you should know them very well. Talking about your family for over five minutes should be no problem for you.
But many students stumble over this topic and just don’t know what to say.
In this article, we have mapped out several things you can talk about — from describing who they are and what they look like to the activities you like to do together.
Just follow all the steps below and you will find that you can talk about your family for several minutes.
The Basics
How many people in your family? And who are they?
When you first start introducing your family, you just need to say some basic simple things about them.
How many people are there in your family? And who are these people?
The listener needs to get an overall general picture of who your family is before you go into any details.
Let’s say you come from a family of four people—mum, dad, older sister and you. You could say:
Now we have a very clear general picture of your family and who they are.
Other variations of a basic introduction of your family could be:
Sometimes people might say "nuclear family" to describe the size of their family. This is used to describe a family of four people — two parents and two children.
Some families may just have one parent. How to talk about this?
Where Do All Your Family Live?
To create a bigger picture in your introduction, you should talk about where your family live.
Which city? In a house? In an apartment?
Let’s look at some options.
Other than the city and country where you live, and the type of home you live in, you don’t need to say much more than this.
But maybe one person in your family does not live with you. How to talk about this?
Who Are All The People In Your Family?
This is where you provide a little detail about each person in your family. You can say their name and what they do — job or student.
At this stage, that is all you need to talk about.
Let’s take a look at some things to say:
Usually, when we are talking about our parents in English, we don’t give their names. We know their names, but we don’t use them — and we don’t tell other people their names unless they ask.
But we do tell other people the names of our brothers and sisters.
What Do You Like To To Together?
Most families enjoy doing some activities together. Even if it is just the simple act of eating together — there are some things that families always do together.
What do you do with your family?
Are there some things you only do with certain people in your family?
These are some ideas for you to look at:
Think about the things you like to do with your family — or some of your family — and then talk about that.
Maybe you have an interesting story to tell from when you did something with your family.