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Barking up the wrong tree
Synonyms: misguided, on the wrong track, off target, chasing a wild goose, making a mistake, etc.
Idioms are a fascinating aspect of the English language, often carrying meanings that aren’t immediately clear from the words themselves. Today’s idiom, “barking up the wrong tree,” is a perfect example of this. It’s a phrase that paints a vivid picture, but its true meaning goes beyond its literal interpretation.
“Barking up the wrong tree” means to pursue a mistaken or misguided course of action, often by making a wrong assumption or focusing on the wrong thing. It’s like trying to solve a problem by addressing the wrong cause.
Examples in Sentences
Understanding idioms like “barking up the wrong tree” can help you sound more natural and nuanced in English conversations. So next time you find yourself or someone else making a wrong assumption, you’ll know exactly how to describe it!
August, 2024
Posted by Oxford Language Club