Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

Let's learn the spelling changes of the Present Continuous. Before we get started, please note that this is also often called the Present Progressive tense.
Spelling: Verbs that end with one -e
For verbs that end with one -e, drop the -e and add -ing. Note that these verbs the -e sound at the end is silent. (e.g., believe, bake, take, love).
With verbs ending with a long -e sound, add -ing as normal:
Spelling: Short one-syllable verbs ending in CVC
If the verb has one syllable and ends with CVC (a consonant + vowel + consonant), we double the final consonant before adding the -ing ending:
Spelling: verbs ending in w, x and y
Notice these verbs end in CVC (consonant vowel consonant). However, do not double the consonant for verbs that end in w, x or y.
Spelling: Two or more syllable verbs
When verbs ending in ending in CVC (consonant + vowel + consonant) have two or more syllables, double the last consonant if the last syllable is stressed.
However, when the last syllable is not stressed, just add -ing as usual.
Spelling: Verbs ending in -ie
If a verb ends in -ie change 'ie' to 'y' then add -ing.