Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

Set Someone Straight
Synonyms: put someone right, correct someone, clear something up, etc.
Understanding idioms is a crucial part of mastering a language, as they add color and nuance to everyday conversations. Today's idiom, "set someone straight," is particularly useful in situations where clarity and accuracy are needed. It reflects the idea of correcting a misconception or providing accurate information to someone who is mistaken or confused. By learning this idiom, you can better navigate misunderstandings and ensure clear communication.
The idiom "set someone straight" means to correct someone's misunderstanding or misconception, often by providing accurate information or clarification. It is commonly used when someone has been misinformed or is confused, and you need to guide them toward the correct understanding.
Using this idiom can help you clarify misunderstandings and ensure that everyone has the correct information. Whether it's a simple mix-up or a more significant misconception, "setting someone straight" is a helpful way to guide them to the right path.
August, 2024
Posted by Oxford Language Club