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Spit it out
Synonyms: give up, surrender, call it quits, etc.
Today, we’re diving into the idiom “spit it out.” This phrase is commonly used to encourage someone to say something they are hesitant to share. When someone is holding back information or struggling to express themselves, you might urge them to "spit it out," which means to stop hesitating and speak up.
"Spit it out" is similar to other expressions like "come on, tell me," "out with it," or "just say it." These phrases all convey the idea of urging someone to reveal what they’re thinking without delay.
Using "spit it out" can make conversations more dynamic and help clear the air when someone is reluctant to share their thoughts. So, next time someone seems to be holding back, encourage them to "spit it out"!
June, 2024
Posted by Oxford Language Club