Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: The occurrence of fortunate events by chance or accident.
Synonyms: happenstance, fortuity, stroke of luck, providence
Transcription: /ser-uhn-dip-i-tee/
"Serendipity" is a word that carries a delightful sense of surprise and serendipitous discoveries. Its origins can be traced back to the mid-18th century when Horace Walpole coined it in a letter to describe unexpected findings. Inspired by the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip," Walpole used the word to encapsulate the idea of making fortunate discoveries while searching for something unrelated.
In modern usage, "serendipity" refers to those beautiful moments when we stumble upon something valuable or meaningful entirely by chance. It is the fortuitous meeting with a long-lost friend, discovering a hidden gem in a secondhand bookstore, or stumbling upon an incredible opportunity that alters the course of our lives.
Here are a few examples of serendipity in action:
"Serendipity" reminds us to stay open to the unexpected and to embrace the twists and turns that life presents. It encourages us to see the beauty in chance encounters and to remain curious about the possibilities that await us. So, let us welcome "serendipity" into our lives and cherish the joy it brings as we navigate our unique journeys.
May, 2023
Posted by Oxford Language Club