Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

Reading is an excellent way to improve your English language skills. Not only does it help you to expand your vocabulary, but it also allows you to become more comfortable with sentence structures and grammar rules. However, choosing the right books to read can be a daunting task, especially if you're a language learner. In this article, we'll explore some of the most interesting English books that are perfect for language practice.
1. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee - This classic novel explores themes of racial injustice, morality, and childhood innocence. It's a must-read for any English language learner as it's written in a simple yet beautiful language.
2. "1984" by George Orwell - This dystopian novel is a great read for those interested in politics and society. The language is complex but not too difficult for an intermediate-level learner.
3. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald - This novel is set in the roaring twenties and explores themes of love, money, and the American dream. The language is easy to read, and the story is engaging.
4. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen - This classic novel is perfect for those who want to practice reading 19th-century English literature. The language is sophisticated but not too challenging for an intermediate-level learner.
5. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger - This novel is about the struggles of adolescence and growing up. The language is colloquial and easy to read, making it a great choice for a language learner.
6. "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling - This series is a great choice for language practice as it's engaging and easy to read. The language becomes progressively more complex as the series goes on, making it suitable for learners of all levels.
7. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde - This novel explores the dangers of vanity and aestheticism. The language is sophisticated but not too difficult, making it a good choice for an intermediate-level learner.
8. "Animal Farm" by George Orwell - This political allegory is a great read for those interested in social and political issues. The language is easy to read, and the story is engaging.
9. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte - This classic novel is a great choice for those who want to practice reading 19th-century English literature. The language is sophisticated but not too challenging for an intermediate-level learner.
10. "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle - This collection of short stories is a great choice for those interested in mystery and detective fiction. The language is easy to read, and the stories are engaging.
In conclusion, reading English books is a great way to improve your language skills, and these ten books are excellent choices for language practice. They offer engaging stories, interesting characters, and a range of themes that will keep you entertained while you work on your language skills. Happy reading!
March, 2023
Posted by Oxford Language Club