Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

English is a vibrant and diverse language, spoken by millions of people around the world. As you progress in your language learning journey, one aspect you might want to explore is the use of collocations. These fixed expressions or word combinations allow you to speak English more fluently and naturally, significantly boosting your confidence. In this article, we delve into the world of English collocations and offer insights on how to incorporate them into your daily language use.
Understanding Collocations
Collocations are combinations of words that naturally go together and are commonly used by native speakers. They are not necessarily idiomatic expressions, but they tend to sound more fluent and natural when used correctly. Some examples of collocations include "fast food," "make progress," "take notes," and "heavily influenced."
There are several types of collocations, including:
Why Collocations Matter
Learning collocations can have a significant impact on your English language skills, as they:
Strategies to Master Collocations
Mastering collocations is an essential step toward becoming a fluent and confident English speaker. By focusing on understanding and using these natural word combinations, you can elevate your language skills and communicate more effectively with native speakers. Remember, practice and repetition are key to internalizing collocations, so keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to learn and use them. Happy learning!
March, 2023
Posted by Oxford Language Club