Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

Communication is key when it comes to social interactions, and mastering casual conversational phrases can significantly enhance your ability to connect with others in English. One of the most commonly used and versatile phrases in casual settings is 'What's up?'
Understanding the Meaning:
'What's up?' is an informal way to ask someone how they're doing or what they're currently up to. It's a friendly and laid-back greeting that encourages easygoing conversation. While it literally means "What is happening?" or "What's going on?" its usage extends beyond just seeking information about activities or events.
Variations of 'What's Up?':
Responses to 'What's Up?':
When someone asks you 'What's up?' or its variants, you can respond in several ways:
Etiquette and Context:
While 'What's up?' is generally used in informal situations among friends, family, or acquaintances, it's essential to be aware of the context and relationship dynamics. Using informal phrases like these in professional settings or with people you've just met might not be appropriate.
Practice Makes Perfect:
Improving conversational skills in English involves practice. Try using these phrases in everyday conversations to become more comfortable with them. Pay attention to native speakers' responses to get a better grasp of their usage and nuances.
'What's up?' and its variations are versatile and widely used in casual conversations. Incorporating these phrases into your English vocabulary not only helps you initiate friendly interactions but also allows you to effortlessly engage in small talk and build connections.
December, 2023
Posted by Oxford Language Club